Murrayfield Church
A congregation of the United Free Church of Scotland
History of Murrayfield
By Kenneth Scott

Unless the Lord builds the House, its builders will have toiled in vain.
(Psalm 127: 1, NEB)
Anniversaries are always a good time for church congregations to stop and reflect upon their past. The particular anniversary for Murrayfield United Free Church in 2009 was that it was 50 years since the congregation moved from its original building at one end of Bannockburn's Main Street into its present church at the other end. This provided an opportunity for a number of special events, and for the publication of this anniversary booklet.
Kenneth Scott, November 2009

Click on the page on the left to view and read the 'Anniversary History' booklet in full.
Kenneth's book is also available from the Church for a £3 donation to Church funds, so why not pick one up next Sunday morning? Or contact us to arrange to have a copy sent to you!