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Champion's Challenge

Murrayfield and Allan Church Summer Mission

What a week it was. First there was excitement, then there was dismay, then there was gratitude and joy. 


The excitement was on Monday morning as we looked forward to the start of the Mission.  The team of Laura, Gordon, Andrew (all Glasgow based), and two Sarah’s (from Shetland), enhanced by a number of helpers from Murrayfield and Allan were ready and waiting.  


This soon turned to dismay as only eight primary aged children turned up.  What had happened?  Where were the children?  Every other year we had between twenty and thirty coming along.  A trawl of Bannockburn’s streets with flyers revealed a distinct lack of children.  Undaunted, the team threw themselves into the programme each day with the same energy they would have used if there had been many more there. 


By Friday, everyone who had been a part of the Mission, both the young and the young at heart, had fully enjoyed their time together.   Following on from the Commonwealth games the theme of ‘Champions Challenge’ provided a week of fun, activity, and learning about our Champion – Jesus Christ, and we were thankful of having the opportunity to let these young people hear about Him.  


We are looking to plan a reunion sometime in the near future, so please pray for this.  Finally, a big thank you to Laura and the team, and to all from the Murrayfield and Allan churches who gave of their time, energy and enthusiasm.  

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